Monthly Archives: December 2013

Not Dead; Iteration 70-something

Recovering RyukoAs usual, reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.  With a new year upon us, I am forced to pronounce CBR5 an abject failure, with more than 20 books unreviewed and a complete halt of my anime review project.  That being said, 2013 was a tremendous year for anime and I feel compelled to write about it in some fashion.  So, what’s coming in 2014?  


A new year means new book reviews.  I’ll be starting off with some intriguing holiday gifts and then onto my normal slog of fantasy, speculative fiction and occasional pop psychology book.  Less comics this year and, with any luck, more reviews completed on time. 

LAB Notes

While the acronym is still a woeful relic of days gone by, I hope to actually do some anime reviews this year Before I stopped, I had plans for  a series examining magical girl shows as both classic anime genre and modern subversion.  I’ll also resume reviews of series that have strong appeal in the U.S.

Odds and Ends

While I don’t have any explicit plans to expand the commentary section of the site, I hope to continue my Op-Ed series with Geek Outsider in some form or another, and maybe add another recurring feature about video game storytelling.  No promises though.  

In the meantime, Happy New Year to my few regular readers and stay tuned to this space.